Quantum mechanics teaches us that observation creates reality. 

Want to read more about the observer effect? Great! I wrote about it in one of my favorite pieces: In which I rot in the ground

Pocket Observatory is a reality created by the careful observance of my readers. Every time you read my writing, you contribute to Pocket Observatory’s existence. Thank you. 

Here is what you can expect from this place.

Each week, I share bits of observations through writing, audio and imagery. The observations will arrive on different days each week and at different times. Each will be worthy of your attention. (Or I won't send them!)

I will send you a voicemail every Thursday. Sometimes I will be responding to voicemails left by pocket observatory members. Sometimes I will be leaving a voicemail of my own.

People who become financial supporters of my work will be given access to the Observatorium, sneek peeks, and other modes of connection. They will also have the option to receive exclusive writing and ephemera in an actual physical newsletter each month. (I just think in 2024, we're all going to need something extra to hold, you know?)

Pocket Observatory is a full-time job. There is no salary. And it is very expensive to keep it up. 

Each month, I spend hundreds of hours researching, writing and editing. And each year, I spend thousands of dollars to keep this site published without using a third party platform that mines your data. 


There are no investors. My work is not for shareholders, it’s for stakeholders - you and me. There is no paywall. In an act of radical hospitality, I hope to never turn away an online reader. There are no digital ads. There are many things I hope you take with you after reading my work; a tracking cookie is not one of them.

And so.

Pocket Observatory should not be able to exist in our current economic reality. And yet, here it is! A reality sustained people who use their spare pennies to become patrons of my work.

You can make a one-time donate, anytime! Thank you!

And you can become a pocket observatory member with a recurring donation!

As a token of my gratitude, I've developed some gifts to give the people who sustain my life's work.

Every person here is fundamental, so I’ve named the memberships after some of the fundamental structures of the universe.

When you choose yearly support, you get three months free.

Free (energy)

Energy sustains the universe. Your readership is the energy that sustains my work.

Each pocket observatory reader recieves my observations and the weekly voicemail. I know that your attention is precious.


$3 a month/$27 a year

A quark is a tiny string of energy fundamental to protons and neutrons. Without quarks, there is (nearly) nothing!

  • Comments
  • Access to The Observatorium - exclusive content, community discussion threads and giveaways


$15 a month/$150 a year

Galaxy filaments form the cosmic web, providing the structure for the universe.

  • The Pocket Observatory Physical Newsletter
    • Each month of your membership, I will send you a piece of exclusive writing that has never been published online. In the MAIL! These newsletters can only be read in print. Each newsletter will also include a little piece of ephemera, because we all need something to hold onto right now.
  • Access to The Observatorium - exclusive content, community discussion threads and giveaways

You can upgrade/downgrade or cancel a membership at anytime. Simply go to your account, accessible through the portal button, and make your selection! I want it to be easy to start supporting me and easy to stop supporting me. I am so grateful to you.